So its been a really good week. So far Seroquel has been a miracle drug for much so that keeping me on it long term is being considered. I'm sleeping at night, wanting to do stuff during the day, smiling and laughing. So maybe just maybe Prozac and Seroquel will be the combo that does it for me. It does feel great to be sleeping at night and NOT sleeping all day
I've been fighting the depression/anxiety battle almost as long as I've -been fighting cystic fibrosis. Heres a few tidbits I've learned...........
1. There is no shame in needing anti-depressants. It seems that a lot of people see it as something to be ashamed of. I'm no more ashamed of needing prozac and seroquel than I am of needing metformin for insulin issues or ventolin for my lungs. There should be no stigma attached..unfortunatly there is but there shouldn't be. This seems to be even more of a problems among Christians
2. There is someone out there who can help you! I've seen numerous doctors. I felt like lots of them either didn't want to help or didn't know how. It may have taken a long time but I now have a doctor who wants to help, is willing to work with me and won't stop until she finds something that will help. Thats a good feeling. Believe me I've been down the road of feeling like I would never find anyone who could or wanted to help. I've seen doctors who have left me in tears because they were so insensitive. But trust me..there is someone out there who can and will help you! I am living proof of that one
3. There is no shame in admitting you need help
4. Its much better to be open about your struggles. Secrecy breeds shame. I have nothing to be ashamed about and the more open I am...the more that it enforces that. And in our openess maybe just maybe we will impact someone else
5. God is there. Even when it doesn't feel like He is! Feelings lie. Its hard to believe and see when you are in such a bad state but hold on to it even if you don't 100% believe it. And you will believe it when you keep telling yourself that and keep holding on to it
6. Never do anything major when depressed or irrational. Never make big purchase decisions, never decide to dye your hair a funky color, never make any life changing decisions
7. take your medicine. take it faithfully and don't quit just because you feel better