Yes this is how Ellie sleeps
I'm a writer...thats who and what I am. The events that define me and shape me I need to write about. Its a way to heal, to free the chains that bind. So here is my journey in life!
Its graduation time again and as such I have been thinking about my own graduation. Its hard to believe I have been out of school for 6 years!
I fought hard to finish school.even being homeschooled I was so sick I missed a year of school..my 10th grade year. So I finished a year later than I should have. But as sick as I was as a teenager graduating at all was a big thing. I doubt my highschool years were typical as they were spent at the hospital and doctor's office. Spent on steroids. Spent so sick I couldn't lift my head up. I would either sleep all morning and do schoolwork all afternoon or do schoolwork all morning and sleep all afternoon. That was when I was doing relatively well. Add anxiety and depression to cystic fibrosis and well...my teen years were not fun.
My life has not taken the path I planned. Once upon a time I dreamed of college....cystic fibrosis, a weak immune system, depression and anxiety have robbed me of that. Once I dreamed of a full time job...once again my health problems have robbed that from me. I did not plan (DUH!) on becoming a rape survivor at 23 years old.
Sometimes I wonder what people see when they look at me. Do they see a loser who sits at home all day? Do they see instead someone fighting for her life? Do they know even a cold can put me in the hospital? Or that I have fought depression so bad I couldn't get out of bed. Do they know I take an enormous amounts of medicine to stay alive.
I hope people don't judge me by the cover. Yes I am single, living at home and not working. I would gladly trade my life for a normal life...or would I? I'm not lazy, I'm not weird, I'm not gay, I'm not mooching off my parents.
This is not how I saw myself at 25 back when I was 19 and finishing high school. Most days I'm just thankful to be alive and be able to get out of bed and do normal stuff
A huge thank you to everyone who has generously donated to my Great Strides walk! Your money will help give me and others like me more tomorrows!
Tomorrow my mom, dad and I will be walking for team bekah boo at the old air force base. Altogether I raised $290!!!