I am very blessed to have been given another Christmas with my family. Every Christmas is so precious, especially when dealing with something like CF. I embrace every oppertunity to make memories with my family
This year we really have done it big. I got totally surprised when my dad said yes to my gift request of a DSi and games. We celebrated with Josh and Kara two weekends ago and thats when I got my DSi. However I have 4 smaller presents under the tree driving me crazy...I will be up super early to find out whats in those boxes!
My mom was off yesterday and today. Today we started the day off with a Mcdonalds biscuit (considering ours has been closed for a good while and just opened back up this was a treat). Then we came home and baked all day\
First up was cheese wafers which are very time consuming but we had great girl talk as we rolled the dough into little balls. After that we decided to do spritz cookies so we could try out the cookiee gun (aka cookie press). Well we ended up taking turns because we both wanted to play with the cookie gun. And somehow I ended up with cookie dough all over me.
Anyway lots of laughs!
Tomorrow is more baking and tomorrow evening is dinner and presents with my grandparents (my mom's parents) and then stopping by my grandmother's (my dad's mom). Sunday is presents with my mom and dad and then church followed by Christmas dinner with my dad's family
I am getting one of my big Christmas wishes. To be somewhat healthy and pain free. I had an awful week painwise...a migraine that aleve and tylenol with codeine didn't touch...that had me crying in pain (and I have a high pain tolerance) So my doc called me in some Norco (think lortab) which did help but I spent 2.5 days drugged. Finally the pain is to the point where aleve 2x a day is controlling it. My breathing is okay..my 02 sats have been kinda low and I have dark circles under my eyes but really healthwise this will be one of my better Christmases (maybe I shouldn't say that as things can change quickly!). One bummer of my heart issues is that I CANNOT take imitrex or zomig or anything like that so the best we can do is pain management when I get one. And when I get one I'm usually dealing with it for week...so this actually was a pretty short one for me
My doctor who is going to be off for a few days wrote me an antibiotic and steroid rx so that we are prepared and can stay out the ER if I get sick
Enjoy Christmas and the memories you are making....none of us are guaranteed another Christmas!! And don't forget the real reason for the season...JESUS! Don't forget to tell Him and happy birthday and to give thanks to God for sending us a saviour. And what a miracle that He gave us our saviour in human form....Jesus understands because He has felt pain, has been sick, been rejected etc. Yes He was fully God but He was fully human too so He understands us!