Thursday, June 7, 2012

I'm a butterfly

Right now I feel closer to a butterfly than ever

Keep in mind when its time to break out of the cocoon the butterfly must do it alone. It anyone or anything attempts to help it...well the butterfly will never fly and most likely die because its breaking out the cocoon that strengthens the butterfly's wings and allows it to fly. It has to struggle on its own. Noone else can break that butterfly out of its cocoon.

I'm in a similar place right now. It comes down to me. No matter how much it pains my family they can't do this for me...I have to do it alone with God. My therapist can give me advice until she's blue in the face but its up to me to apply it to my life. I'm on a journey that only I can walk

If I want to be able to fly then I have to do this. I have to do things that are uncomfortable. My loved ones have to watch me struggle and do nothing but cheer me on. I have to take those steps so that one day my wings will be strong and I can fly.

Right now I feel like I'm trying to break out my cocoon. I have no idea how long it will take. Did you know some butterflies stay in their cocoon merely weeks while some spend whole seasons in one? I don't know how long it will take me to break out and I can only pray that when I do my wings are ready to fly

Its a hard thing. I feel like a caterpillar. Like I'm crawling along and its so hard to imagine myself as a longer crawling but flying!  Sometimes this cocoon feels like its suffocating me

I want easy and fast answers and thats not the way this works. Sure easy and fast might help now but it would cripple me later...I wouldn't be able to fly because there would be no struggle. So here I am on a long and lonely road. Everytime I think I'm not going to make it, I think about the butterfly and about how its struggle is what makes it strong enough to fly. That it a powerful metaphor for my life right now.

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