Thursday, January 14, 2010

10 months

Today has been exactly 10 months since "IT" happened.

Let me just say...time heals all wounds is so false. Its been a rollercoaster of a 10 months. Some days it feels like it was years ago, some days it feels like it was yesterday. Some images don't fade and I doubt I ever forget his face

In some wyas its harder now than it was right after it happened. Loads of people were there for me then but as time goes on, people move on...they forget...they are afraid to bring it up....they think I should have moved on. So now its me, God, my blog, my journal and my golden retriever on this long hard journey

I know healing can and will come but it takes time....way more time than people think. Rape is a life changing, traumatizing thing.

Sometimes it just feels like life is never going to give me a break. As if major health issues weren't enough lets add rape to the list of things to go wrong in rebekah's life. Sorry for the temporary pity party.....prednisone

Seriously though...I am not over, it still haunts me every day. I am working through it but it is a very lonely journey

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