Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Who I am....accepting ourselves

So I've been thinking...yeah and it really hurts haha.

We spend out teenage years and our early twenties trying to find ourselves. We want people to like us and will make ourselves conform to what they want. But sooner or later we all have to decide to be ourselves. God didn't make me to be anybody but me. The sooner I accept that then the better I will be.

Going back to Dr.Seuss for a few minutes. How true what Dr.Seuss says is!

Today you are you ,that is truer than true. There is noone alive who is youer than you.

Why fit in when you were born to stand out?

So true Dr.Seuss, so true

I wasn't born to be a clone of anyone else, to be exactly like my parents or my brother. I was made to be me. I'm the only person who will ever be me...I'm truly one in a million (or more). We all are...we just have to chose to embrace our uniqueness. When we do that instead of hiding or copying others then great things start happening.

The hardest thing for me is to accept that I am more than my past, more than my problems, more than my failures. You have to learn to let things shape you without defining you. CF has helped shaped me, rape has helped shape but are they all that I am? not hardly!

I'm Bekah. I have wild curly hair that is hard to tame, I'm sassy, I'm sweet, I'm sometimes a pain. I like to wear Pjs and reading a book is my favorite thing. I speak my mind and if you don't like me I consider that your loss. I love to write. I love my family and will fight anyone who has anything bad to say about them...talk bad about me just not my family. I have cystic fibrosis and doctors and hospitals are second nature, half my days are spent doing treatments. I hate to clean. I love my animals and take in strays. I like pink sparkly things. I can put jigsaw puzzles together in a flash. I love nature and swimming and rainy days. I'm not a morning person. I enjoy taking computers apart. I'm a rape survivor and proud to be a SURVIVOR. I raise money for the CF foundation and some of my best friends are other cysters and fibros. You will never find a person like me! I love to laugh and smile but I know the pain of depression all too well. I know what its like to struggle to breathe and to get bad news from the doctor. I miss the days of being able to run and ride my bike. I live my life to the fullest and love making memories with my family. I was honored to be a bridesmaid in my brother's wedding and for the first time in my life have a sister. I like monkeys and collect stuffed ones. I rock at guitar hero and I sing when I think noone is listening. I can be shy and quiet if I don't know you. I have a wicked sense of humor

Most of all I am a very much loved and uniquely created child of God who has a purpose far beyond what she can imagine

I'm a butterfly trying to fly...Trying to find my place in this wild and crazy world.

Learn to embrace who God made you to be!

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