Tuesday, July 12, 2011

50 random facts about me

So I am bored and I like a challenge. So heres 100 random facts about me....or as close as I can get to 100

1. I love the color pink

2.I love NCIS

3. Every NCIS what character are you quiz shows me as McGee...am I really that geeky?

4. Contary to what some people think, I am not an only child. I have a brother and Sister (in law)

5. I collect stuffed monkeys....I don't know why...I just think they are cute

6. reading is my favorite past time

7. I learned to read right after I turned 4 and in 7th grade tested as above college level for my reading level. Once I learned I never stopped!

8. Ellie is my 3rd golden retriever

9. I'm a Christian...was baptized at 9 years old. BUt really just in the last9 years or so really taken hold of my faith

10. I'm shy until you get to know me...then you might not ever shut me up

11.my brother will kill me for this one....but I learned to ride a two wheeler without training wheels before him (he's 3 years older). I was just the fearless one

12. Butterflies are very special to me and a special symbol between me and God

13.I was homeschooled for 6 years and loved every minute of it. public school was torture for me after 5th grade

14.I have cystic fibrosis but I'm determined to live my life to the fullest~

15. I've lived in the same house since I was 8 and have lived in the same city and neighborhood all my life

16.I play a mean game of uno

17. I am terrified of bugs especially grasshoppers

18.Mysteries are my preferred fiction genre when it comes to books

19. My family is extremely close and I am who I am today because of them

20.I can swallow 15 pills at once

21.Jigsaw puzzles is a hobby of mine

22. my goal is to be a published writer

23. I like to take computers apart

24. I hate onions

25. I've kept a journal for many years

26. As a kid I was barbie obsessed

27.I love the beach and have a shell and rock collection

29.I like classic TV shows

30.I really don't care what people think/say about me. They can like me for me or not like me...I'm not changing!

31. Don't make me mad...I will kick your butt

32. I have this thing about the dark...I don't like it!

33. Ellie is my best friend...I love that dog!!!!

34. Okay actually my mom is my real (person) best friend but Ellie is 2nd

35. You are most likely to find me in either A) pajamas or B) a t-shirt, jeans and converse

36. I'm a messy person but an organized messy person!

37. unsweet tea is my favorite drink

38. I'm a computer whiz

39. I love my ereader

40. I read on average a book a day (about 400 pages)

41. I read really really fast but I can recite back to you what I've read

42. I can sleep anywhere, anytime

43. I like playing scrabble....old fashioned board game and on the pc

44. you wake me up too early and you better watch out because you will probably get a pillow in the face

45. I like crime tv shows (forensic files etc) but I scare myself silly when I watch them

46. I'm a lot tougher than I look...I've kicked CFs butt this long and I don't intend to give up

47.I'm not a morning or a night person...I'm an afternoon person

48. The ER here and the RT department and some of the nurses know me by name. As do the CT department people. Yeah I spend a lot of time at the hospital

49. my favorite meal...salmon patties and mashed potatoes

50. I collect cool pens

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