Friday, April 13, 2012

My new passion

Raising awareness for cystic fibrosis is one of my top passions in addition to raising funds for research. My new passion is raising awareness for mental illness

I read a quote that really applies to this: True character is how you treat those who can do nothing for you

I challenge everyone, especially nurses and those in health care professions to remember that every person with depression,bipolar,schizophrenia etc is someones loved one...someones daughter, son, sister, brother, mother, father, or grandchild. That person is loved and valued by someone. Every patient experiencing a psychotic episode has someone who cares about them. How would you want them treated if it was your loved one? Or if it was yourself? You would compassion, respect and most of all people to keep you safe...not to make it worse

Everyone deserves to be treated with respect and be kept safe whether they suffer from any illness or are perfectly healthy

People with mental illness are first and foremost PEOPLE! And deserve to be treated as such. Most people with mental illness have high IQs and are very intelligent and creative people....those seem to be common traits among those who suffer depression, bipolar etc. So mental illness does not equal dymb. It also does not equal crazy. I like to say there is mental illness and then there is just plain can be treated and one can't! But no matter what a person is a person no matter how small!

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