Saturday, May 1, 2010


So yes I am slightly obsessed with butterflies. How did that happen you may ask?

Two things. The first was a story I received in an email forward. Its about a man who decides to help a butterfly out of its cocoon and the butterfly is never able to fly because the struggle to get out of the cocoon is what gives it the strength to fly. I did research and found that indeed if you help a butterfly out of its cocoon it will never fly. And lots of times will also die. Its strength and ability to fly come from the struggle to break out of the cocoon. Yes its a lot of work but without the butterfly will never fly.

The 2nd thing was the movie A Bug's Life. Remember the fat ugly caterpillar who walks around saying that one day he will b e a beyootiful butterfly? He waits and waits. Then at the end of the movie he has become a butterfly...still the slightly ugly caterpillar but he was wings! And he is so excited because he is a beyootiful butterfly now.

I also think butterflies are an amazing comparison to our own lives. Change is painful, transformation hurts, our experiences may be difficult but thats what makes us able to face life, for us to one day fly.

Its also an amazing parallel to our spiritual lives. We were ugly caterpillars with no hope until Christ. And then we are given new life in Christ and turned into a beautiful new a butterfly.

I like the caterpillar in a bug's life hold out hope that one day I will be a beyootiful butterfly and that all I have been through will enable me to soar higher than I ever dreamed. And boy what a day when I finally take off!

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