Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A mother's day tribute to my mom

With mother's day being sunday I wanted to dedicate a blog post to my mom.

I happen to think my mom is the most incredible mom ever. I'm sure most people think that but I'm convinced my mom really is. She's been dealt hands that few mothers are.

I'm sure every mother expects a healthy baby who will grow up into a healthy adult. Some mother's don't get that. My mom being one of them. I am the same age my mom was when I was born and yet can't imagine some of the heart break she has gone through.

My problems started almost from birth. At 6 months old my mom was told I most likely had retinoblastoma.....thankfully that diagnosis was wrong. But I did have eye problems that required many surgeries and many trips down to MUSC. My mom saw me carried into surgery screaming and crying so many times. She's been the one with the child post op who is awake and yelling for jello while all the other kids post op are still sleeping.

My mom has fought many battles for me and continues to. When my lung problems started she fought and fought for a diagnosis and the best treatment possible. When I started showing signs of depression she drove me to therapy 2hrs each way for 7 years. She has made sure I have had the best medical care, the best medications and the best help no matter the cost to her.

Despite a diagnosis of cystic fibrosis she has remained positive even when I haven't. She has encouraged me, prayed for me and walked with me every step of the way. Same thing in my battle against depression. She has helped me raise money for Great Strides, supported me in my fundraising efforts.

She has sat on the bathroom floor with me during bad panic attacks, slept by my hospital bed while I was hooked up to IVs, oxygen and moniters, she has spent nights awake with me, nights in the ER. Just this past winter she was with me all the way through a pulmonary embolism scare.

In the midst of all this she has also raised my brother, helped my dad run numerous businesses, fought her own battle with breast cancer, nursed my dad through a stroke and given up 5 years of her life to homeschool me when I was too sick to go to school.

She is what I call an inspirational woman. If I can be half the woman she has been then I will be happy. I don't know if I ever will have kids but if I do, I hope I can be like her

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