Tuesday, June 21, 2011


So summer is here. And south carolina summers are HOT!!!

We are just a month away from my brother's wedding. This is all new to me...the last wedding I was in..well I was 4 and a flower girl. I'm so not a girly girl so the fancy dress etc is way new to me. And shopping for silver shoes to go with my bridesmaid dress....my idea of shoe shopping is looking for a new color of converse. Heck my idea of shopping is an afternoon at goodwill or books a million. Infact I had to be dragged out of BAM to look for shoes and help my mom find a dress.

When it comes down to it...I'm a simple country girl...ponytails, jeans and tshirts. Converse and flip flops.

I am way excited for the wedding though. Excited to be gaining a sister and to see my brother marrying such a wonderful girl. Very happy for them and excited for our family to grow. And yes this simple country girl is excited to get all dressed up for once.

Can't believe we've got almost everything done....including having made ellie's reservations at the doggy hotel.

Been under the weather. Was really sick about 3 weeks ago and have been slowly getting better. just finished levaquin and am still on steroids. Sitting here doing my neb treatments as I type. CF just will not loosen its grip on me. Thats okay...I'm happy and blessed beyond belief....take that CF! Whatever the future brings...my God is bigger than CF

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