Thursday, June 30, 2011

this and that

First...I must say how wonderful ACE is! This is a doggy anti-anxiety medication. Ellie has a huge fear of thunderstorms...I would call it a phobia. She has what can only be described as panic attacks at the sound of thunder. She forgets she is an 85 pound dog and tries to smother us because she wants to be so close. ACE has changed that....with just 1/2 a pill she sleeps peacefully under the dining room table during storms! I am greatly relieved for her because I hate seeing her so upset.

second....I challenged myself to read the new testament in chronological order. I have a chronological Bible and thought this would be interesting. the challenge? To read it through during the summer. I'm making good progress and am so interested in it that I am a few days ahead of schedule

third....we are wedding crazy here! 3 weeks from saturday my brother is getting married. To me thats crazy cause it seems like just yesterday we were rolling in the mud together haha. Anyway we are excited to add Kara to the family. I am eagerly awaiting my bridesmaid dress getting here! And hoping it fits...thank you prednisone. health. My lungs still hate me...but what else is new? I am finally off steroids after 20 days on them. As soon as I finished levaquin I started running a low grade fever. Bummer. And this heat does not agree with me. Lots of salt and gatorade and fluids. I don't want any field trips to the ER for IV fluids. Or hospital stays for these lungs. I feel like I spend my days doing treatments...but hey I am home and I can breathe so much better with the aggressive treatments. I have a doctors appointment in a few weeks for a checkup and bloodwork etc. lungs may be crappy but I am happy! Hey that rhymes...haha. Really though I am filled with the joy only God bring. I am happy to be alive and to be who I am and to have such awesome family and friends. I know its cliche....but I am blessed! Not inspite of my problems but sometimes because of them. I have a much greater appreciation for how special life is and how we need to live it to the fullest and live it to bring glory to God

sixth....If I don't slow down reading I am going to go broke. I am sick of TV so with the exception of the duggars and toddlers and tiaras(my guilty pleasures along with 16 and pregnant which is over for the season. yes I like trashy tv) I've only been watching a movie here and there. Which leaves my passion...BOOKS! in the last week I have read 8 books(fiction), 1 non fiction plus my Bible reading. I have 3 more in my stack to read and 5 more on the way from Amazon. Thankfully my parents and grandparents are helping to fund my bookaholicism. But hey I love to learn, I love to read and be transported away from my pain and not being able to breathe and into a world of my imagination. I love to read the Bible and imagine myself watching the events take place....especially through Jesus's earthly ministry. I love to get sucked into a good mystery and imagine myself as the sleuth.

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