I saw something on facebook that rather ticked me off today. It was someones status about abortion which of course gets onto the subject of what about rape. it was someones response to that that really got me
Let me just say...don't judge until you've been there. Women who have never experienced rape cannot imagine the physical, mental and emotional damage it does. Yes I took the morning the after pill, yes I openly said that if for someone reason that didn't work that I would not carry the child of the man who did that to me.
I can't imagine becoming pregnant as a result of rape. I was so out of it for months after it happened. I developed severe PTSD. I really could barely take care of myself. Not to mention I made the choice to take HIV preventative for 6weeks which is really harsh drugs
Don't judge until you have been there. Rape is one of the worst things that can happen to a woman. It takes so much away from you and changes you to the point that you will never be the woman you were before. I'm coming up on 3 years and I still have PTSD issues. I still have nightmares
I just cannot fathom that any woman would think that a rape survivor should be forced to carry her rapist's baby. To me that shows ignorance and insensitivity. Thats right up there with blaming the victim
Another issue for me is that the majority of people who are so rabidly against abortion are okay with the death penalty and are against healthcare for all. So we protect life just until its born? If you really believe only God has the right to take life away then you have to believe that the death penalty is wrong. I believe its wrong for many reasons but thats not the point
Pro life is more than being anti-abortion. Don't just protect and value life before its born...value and protect it after its here. How is okay to deny someone who is already here...living and breathing outside its mother..the healthcare they need to live? How is it right to kill someone as punishment? Are we God?? Once someone is born do we really get the right to assign worth to their lives? But we will fight to the death to protect them while in the womb
We should love and care for the rape survivor, the homeless, the schizophrenic, the orphan and the poor as much as we do the unborn.
Pro-life is way more complicated than most people see it. I guess babies are just seen as so innocent. But really every human life deserves respect...
I would have fought to my dying breath before I carried a child fathered by the man who raped me. And I consider myself pro life. But experiences change and mature you.
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