Monday, April 12, 2010

Its been a long week

Okay so the great prozac switch started last tuesday. Things seemed okay wednesday and thurssday and then all hell(excuse my language) broke loose on friday. I needed something that would work fast and would stabilize me fast so I was started on Seroquel. Seroquel is an anti-pyschotic used in bipolar (which I don't have) and is also used in treatment resistant depression (which I might possibly have) and severe depression (which I do have). So I went back in today and things are good. I was given a month of seroquel and we will reevaluate then.

Hopefully I will eventually be able to come off of it...seroquel is pretty strong stuff and the less meds the better. But if not then atleast I have something that works because Seroquel has been a miracle drug! I'm sleeping, I have energy, I want to do things. So for now I am on seroquel and prozac. There are some concerns with side effects that we are monitering (weight and blood sugar) but so far so good...I'm not even that drowsy

Thankfully in the midst of all this my lungs are good. Spring has been kind to me. Soome asthma issues from the pollen but overall good. Cystic Fibrosis is being kind to me right now...for now the beast is sleeping...ever lurking but not wreaking havoc

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