Saturday, November 19, 2011

Lessons that I've learned

Just as in life Ellie taught me lots, in death she has also taught me some lessons. I don't believed God let her die just to teach me lessons (beause I just don't believe that God uses death like that)but He does promise that all things work together for good and maybe this is part of His working everything for good

1. Never put off anything thinking you have more time. I know, I have a fatal genetic illness...I should know this. And when it comes to myself I do but I just never really give thought to perfectly healthy animals and people that today might be their last day. Anyway for my dad's birthday I had wanted to put ELlie's paw prints in clay. I never did telling myself I had plenty of time and I would do it for father's day. Lesson learned

2. Enjoy the people and animals in your life while you have a chance. I can say Ellie had the best 4 years of life a dog could want. She was spoiled, pampered and catered to. I can say however after what happened to her that my family is spending way more time together, telling eachother what they mean to us and loving more passionatly

3. Jesus was human too. I've never given a lot of thought to Jesus's human side. But in my brokenness and pain from losing my best friend I remembered what is the shortest Bible verse ever...Jesus wept. He wept for Lazarus, He wept because His friend was dead. Yes He knew He was going to raise him from the dead but it still hurt. In the garden He begged God to take that cup from Him if possible...He was so agonized that He sweated blood! Tell me He doesn't know our pain...He's felt it himself! He's been sad, He's wept, He's been angry, He's been sick, He's been betrayed. He knows all too well what we go through. Not only was He 100% God, He was also 100% human. We have a Saviour who understands us! really is all we need. faith is what has gotten me through these two weeks. I've prayed for myself, my family and yes even the woman that hit ellie. And I've prayed some more. I've spent lots of time in His word and lots of time thinking. And its my faith that has pulled me through. Am I still angry at the woman who hit Ellie? Yes. Am I still working to forgive her? yes. But I don't have the meanness towards her that I had...I don't wish something bad would happen to her etc. All it takes is faith the size of a mustard seed. Looking back on my life I can tell you with 100% faith that there is a God...or I wouldn't be here!

5. Heaven is a lot closer than you think. I've thought about heaven before sure...but it seemed like some distant place...maybe even a little boring from how its sometimes depicted. Heaven is for real changed that. Incredible book and I am so excited about one day (whenever God decides my life here is done!) going there. And I am even more sure Ellie is there waiting on me and watching me. I fully expect when Jesus comes to meet me that Ellie will be right by His side. Thats all it is...Ellie and I are temporarily seperated. She's no more dead that I would be. And to think in heaven I'll be able to run! Between my heart and lungs do you know how long its been since I could run? a very long time. And no more pain or fear. When it stormed here the other night I thought "this is the first storm that Ellie hasn't been afraid of cause theres no fear in heaven"

I'd say I've learned some valuable lessons

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