Thursday, October 8, 2009

anger and frustration turned into something good

It astonishes me sometimes what anger and frustration can do...or the positive things. I'm all too familiar with the harmful ways of dealing with anger and frustration but now I'm becoming familiar with what one can accomplish when they use that for good.

This blog for example...maybe it will help someone, maybe it will touch someone. But it was a huge step to start it and put myself out there. I've blogged before but never about something so personal and so painful. However it was the anger at the man who hurt me and threatened me if I ever told anyone that eventually pushed me to do the exact opposite and in doing so broke some of those chains.

Physically I have pushed myself harder in the last month than I have in a long time. We joined the local Y..brand new facility with a heated, indoor pool. Now I've been swimming since I was just over a year old. I don't remember ever not being able to swim. But as my lungs have gotten worse obviously I haven't been able to do as much . But I needed a way to physically express that anger and frustration. So I decided to push myself to be able to swim as much as I did as a child. Me with my bad lungs has worked up to swimming laps for 45 minutes with just a 5 minute break once or twice. I've worked up to being able to swim the length of the pool under water without coming up for keep in mind this an Olympic size pool. I've probably pushed myself too hard but its been a Way to take out the anger on the water, to put my energy into

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